Strategic Plan

HSAA’s strategic plan includes a mission, core values, vision and goals, which serve as a focal point for all of our union’s activities and convey a concrete yet unrealized vision for HSAA as we continue to look out for the health of Albertans.

Read more about the strategic plan below.

Goal - Members

Members understand union fundamentals and value the importance of working together to improve the conditions and outcomes for all workers.


  • All members have access to an enhanced education program of labour fundamentals.
  • More members are taking on roles and engaging in union activities.
  • Increase the number of opportunities for members to participate and influence our union.
  • Increase opportunities to educate members about how their involvement and support helps their fellow union members’ working conditions.

Goal - Government

The provincial government upholds, protects and expands upon a fully accessible and quality health-care system that is publicly-funded and publicly-delivered.


  • Stop further privatization.
  • Expand nationalization to other areas of public health (e.g. pharmacare, dental care).
  • Reduce the impact of privatization on members.
  • Increase members’ engagement in government relations and advocacy.

Goal - Employers

Employers support employees in their delivery of quality, safe and reliable health care.


  • Increase union density within the health-care industry to provide high-quality patient care.
  • Increase pressure on employers to provide manageable workloads and a healthy work/life balance.
  • All essential service agreements are completed.
  • Increase communications and collaborative approaches with employers.

Goal - Patients & All Albertans

The public understands the integral role that HSAA plays in health care.


  • Increased retention and recruitment of health-care professionals.
  • Increased utilization of preventative medical care to decrease the impact of the family physician crisis.
  • Increase access to preventative care, chronic disease management, community health and seniors’ care.
  • Increased public recognition of the purpose and value of unions.
  • Increased access to affordable education programs for future health-care professionals.
  • Increased public awareness of the actual cost of health care.

Goal - HSAA

HSAA provides high quality, trusted, member-centered services and advocacy.


  • Increase clarity of roles and responsibilities of board, staff, Local Unit Executives, Stewards and committee members.
  • Increase consistency and reliability of HSAA services.
  • Increase transparency and effectiveness of HSAA’s decision-making processes.
  • Increase the number of opportunities for a greater number of members to engage in union activities.